c o r p o r a t e & b u s i n e s s
Our high quality bespoke leather keyrings and small leather accessories can be ordered is small and large quantities and are used for many different purposes for a wide variety of different business. Property and interior brands are a popular area for our keyrings as detail is everything, and the keys you hand over could help seal the deal! They make for beautiful hand crafted personalised gifts for clients in any corporate industry. We have worked with hotels and high end rentals here and abroad who have wanted to have something that fits perfectly with the companies aesthetics and we work with all our clients to create that with each design.
Office, boot room, garage, wine store are just some of the choices when people order a batch of keyrings for large properties or work spaces. Its all in the details and it all starts with the keys!

Large and small businesses use us for high quality promotional gifts. Alaya is a large high end rental property in Barbados. We work with companies all around the world.
Ordering bespoke keyrings with room names and numbers on are a great way to insure your guest remember the experience to be truly perfect from the moment they arrive at check in. These were made up for a beautiful B&B in London.